NEW Loch Ness Monster Pics

The article comes from the Daily Star dated 8/31/23

Entitled: ‘Most exciting ever’ pics of Loch Ness Monter emerge showing ‘eel-like creature’

Last week there was a massive expedition to find evidence of Nessy, and this recent event has spured Chie Kelly to release her never before seen photos. She “captured a large eel-like creature slowly spinning and moving on the surface” of Loch Ness. The photos were originally taken in August of 2018. The article describes the creature shown as “2m-long.”

According to Mrs. Kelly via a translator:

“I have always believed there was something in Loch Ness. There is something unusual there, but I don’t know what it is.

“What I saw looked like a serpent. It was definitely a creature and it was moving.”

“At first I wondered if it was an otter or a pair of otters or a seal, but we never saw a head and it never came up again for air. It was making this strange movement on the surface.

“We did not hear any sound. There were these strange shapes below the surface.”

“I could not accurately assess its length, but the two parts that were visible were less then two metres long together.”

“I don’t know what it was but it was definitely a creature – an animal.”

Verdict: Inconclusive


Caven, J. (2023, August 31). “most exciting” pics of loch ness monster emerge showing “eel-like creature.”


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